Feedback about Ozerty

At Ozerty, it's all about providing you with first-class service and products. The kind words from our wonderful customers make us beam with pride! Want to see what they have said about us? And why not share your own story too? Whether it's a thumbs up or a suggestion, your thoughts mean everything to us. It guides our growth and enriches the overall Ozerty experience. Why not pop in and tell us about your time with Ozerty?

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Ozerty fights inflation for you!

In today's challenging economic times, Ozerty has your back! We work closely with our global partners - from factories, brands and delivery companies - to ensure you get the best deals. When you shop on a large platform like Ozerty, you take advantage of our purchasing power, securing prices direct from the factory. And guess what? We send these savings right to you! So, even with prices rising everywhere else, at Ozerty you will always find a friendly price tag for you.

Globally Selected Premium Goods

At Ozerty, we have built fantastic relationships with suppliers and manufacturers from all corners of the world. Because of our broad reach and collaborative spirit, many of these global partners offer us special deals. And rest assured, we are committed to ensuring authenticity, always prioritizing genuine products for our valued customers.

The shipping cost is on Ozerty!

Guess what? Most of your orders ship for free with us! Yes, that's right - Ozerty covers your standard shipping costs. Do you need it faster? There is also an express option for you. We are able to offer these amazing deals because of the efficient and excellent fulfillment system we have built up over the years. We work with some of the best in the business to get your items to you quickly and safely!

Secure payments

Just so you know, at Ozerty we accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Your payment security is our highest priority and we will never share your card details with anyone. Trade with confidence and peace of mind!

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Delivery guarantee

At Ozerty, we prioritize safe and timely deliveries with reliable global partners. If problems arise during shipping, such as damage or delay, we are on the case! Delayed delivery? Get a NOK 70 credit.

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Your Privacy Matters to Ozerty

Ozerty is dedicated to keeping your information secure. We strictly adhere to our cookie and privacy policy and ensure that your data remains protected and confidential. Trust us to maintain the highest standards of privacy and security.

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Easy return within 30 days

After you have received your package, you have a full 30 days to return any items if necessary. We want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase! Make your purchases with confidence, knowing that if something doesn't go as planned, there's still time to change your mind!

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Purchase protection

Buy with confidence at Ozerty; if something takes an unexpected turn, rest assured that we are here to support you.

Discover our Purchase Protection Program

Customer service

We understand the importance of being there for our valued customers, addressing concerns, answering questions, and offering support. Our responsive team is always available via email, ensuring that no matter when you need us, we're just a message away.

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